Our Customers Say it Best 

Just a few customer testimonials

These are just a few comments from some Professional Lawn Care, LLC clients.

Residential Customers

We are very pleased with our service and the courteous, helpful nature of the PLC employees.
--- John M.

I remain extremely pleased and find everyone at PLC wonderful to work with and extremely responsive to me.
--- Sandy L.

No complaints, great service!!
--- Jana B.

Commercial Customers

Always do a wonderful job!
--- Ray M.  - Bank of Oklahoma

We switched to PLC in the spring of 2012.   Our tenants have been much more pleased with your work than our previous lawn company.
--- Marilyn C.

Looks Great!
--- Penn Centre Investments

This is a hard property.   3rd company and they have no complaints.   Thank you!
--- Michael B.

You guys are great!  Thank you!
--- We love you at the Waterford. 
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